Ice Baths (Cold Water Immersion) – Used by athletes to reduce muscle soreness and speed up recovery. Helps flush out lactic acid and reduce post-workout soreness. Decreases Inflammation & Swelling – Constricts blood vessels, reducing inflammation and pain. Boosts Circulation & Immunity – When blood flow increases after rewarming, it enhances oxygen and nutrient delivery. Enhances Mental Clarity & Mood – Cold exposure increases dopamine and endorphins, improving mood and reducing stress. May Aid Fat Loss – Activates brown fat, which burns calories to generate heat.
At you can buy budged friendly, portable Ice Baths from around 50 eur. Or you can choose more expensive type of hard shell Ice Bath which is durable and more isolated to keep water cold for a longer. Other type Ice baths: Professional Cold Plunge Tubs (With Built-in Cooling System); Outdoor Ice Bath Barrels & Wood Tubs