Order statuses

Do not wonder what your order statuses on Sportbay mean, find it out for sure with this comprehensive Order Status guide.


Submitted:   Your order has been submitted and the information you entered during checkout is being processed.
Confirmed:   The payment has been confirmed in one way or another (f. e. by sending us a proof of payment), but not yet received.
Paid:   The payment for your order has been cleared.
Processing:   The store has received and is processing your order at the moment.
Sent:   Your order has been dispatched. For the estimated duration of shipping check our Shipping Rates & Estimated Delivery Times section.
Partly sent:   A part of your order has just been sent. You have been already informed about the estimated delivery of the missing item(s) or will be informed about it shortly.  
Completed:   Your order is now completed.
Rejected:   Your order has been cancelled.


Where do I check the status of my order? You can check your order status and much more in your Order History on your Sportbay account.

Are there any other questions we can answer about your order? Please contact our customer service via

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